Copyright rule does not recognize Public Domain

Issue #3 wontfix
Gavin Swanson created an issue

I have included a patch to the copyright notice rule that also checks for public domain notices.

Comments (4)

  1. ThArGos

    Thank you for your contribution but I don't understand why we should add it to this example rule. The intent of the rule is to check if a copyright is present or not. Adding the public domain may confuse users in understanding the example. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Sorry for the delay regarding my answer. Thanks for your patience.

    Hoping to see more proposals from you.

    Best regards.

  2. Gavin Swanson reporter

    The rule to me is to ensure that there is a statement that is a statement of rights for the file, for which public domain is a type of rights.

  3. ThArGos

    Dear s7726,

    I understand your point. We are currently thinking of a way to make people contribute new rules (like the modification you proposed). Once we have set up this we will gladly accept this kind of contributions.

    Best regards,

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