Scan multiple files (e.g. *.cpp)

Issue #62 new
Harald-René Flasch created an issue

Would be extremely helpful if there will be a way to analyze/scan multiple files e.g. \src\SomeFolder*.cpp

So it would be also possible to do a pre/post build step and scanning all files of a project/solution. Well, I know that vera++ can be called in make files but we're using Visual Studio and MSBuild ...

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Sachs

    suggest using gitignore/hgignore-style shell globs e.g. *.c = single directory, **.c = recursive

  2. John Rambo

    I also have this need. So I add it directly into the source code. Now I have a --directory option and I just have to set the directory. All the c/cpp/cxx and h/hpp/hxx are automatically analyzed. I try to contact the team about this but I have no answer. So I will probably add it as a fork.

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