`vera++: ` prefix

Issue #76 new
lukasz_czajczyk created an issue

From 1.3.0 change log: error reports are all prefixed with vera++: so we can know which program produces the message when using vera++ in a pipe

I really like this feature. Could you also add this prefix to all the checks so it looks like this: [vera++:] abccxx:1278: error T019: full block {} expected in the control structure

When there are multiple checking tools plugged into the compilation (for example vera++, cppcheck, cpplint) it really helps to know which one produced the error.

Comments (1)

  1. Gaƫtan Lehmann

    this could be added as an option, like --show-rule, but not by default, because the output format wouldn't be compatible with the error format from compilers. Pull requests are welcome!

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