Custom field not found

Issue #4 resolved
Adam Wignall created an issue


I followed all the steps in the screenshots for the Merge plugin but when i try to merge 2 issues from the Merge screen that opens when that workflow step is selected I get an error that says "Custom field 'Merge into issue' not found"

Comments (7)

  1. Verhás István repo owner

    Please ensure that you named the custom field exactly "Merge into issue" case and space sensitive and it is on the merge screen. The field is selected by name as

    CustomField customField = customFieldManager.getCustomFieldObjectByName("Merge into issue");

    Later it may be enhanced. If the problem still exists please provide the exception from atlassian-jira.log.

  2. Adam Wignall reporter


    yes that has resolved it I had a capital I on issue.

    Thanks looks like it will be a very useful plugin. Great work.


  3. Luke Spragg

    I'm actually having this issue with Issue Merger 1.0.2-JIRA5 on JIRA 5.0.

    My custom field is the same as what the example says, "Merge into issue", but it fails to find it saying, "Custom field 'Merge into issue' not found"

  4. Verhás István repo owner

    On the shot you provided there is no 'Merge into issue' customfield at all, only the comment filed is displayed in the transition's view. Did you assign the same screen with the workflow transition as the custom field is configured on?

  5. Luke Spragg

    The customfield.png shot I provided DOES show "Merge into issue and it assigned to the "Merge Issue Screen". The "Merge Issue Screen" has been assigned in my active workflow as a transition step as well.

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