issues would not merge

Issue #18 resolved
Anton Bakharevski created an issue

installed plugin but when i am trying to merge nothing happens apart from closing issue i was merging from. comments/description, attachments are not merged. no error messages on screen when merging. could not see anything in jira-stderr or jira-stdout which would give an obvious pointer

any pointers at what i should check?

Comments (7)

  1. Anton Bakharevski reporter


    I spoke to Istvan and he very quickly helped identify the cause. In the last step of configuration, when you edit open->merge->closed transition, you need to make sure Merges issues Post function is added. there should be 6 post functions (when i checked i had 5).

    you will need to create draft workflow (from the same screen), go to edit transition and then click on Add function at the top of the list of functions. then add Merges issues Post Function.

    worked for me just fine. really convenient function.

  2. Verhás István repo owner

    me - "adding the post function to the transition is a must"
    Anton - "i think i am missing the post function, itn he guide you have 6 post functions in my config there are 5 and MergeIssuesFunction is missing"

    Adding the Merge issue postfunction as it described in the last step of the documentation solved the problem of Anton

    Anton - "works perfectly, thanks!"

  3. Imran Khoja

    Thanks... merging functionality works fine now and the issue comments get combined as well. However, the issue that gets merged into the other issue does not close properly. Please refer to the screen shots below for better understanding of the issue:

    1. Issue GAS-56 is in OPEN status, as shown in dashboard filter gadget:


    1. Issue detail section for GAS-56:


    1. Now issue GAS-56 is merged into GAS-99:


    1. The issue is successfully merged to GAS-99, it is closed but the resolution is still “Unresolved”:


    1. And I believe, due to the Unresolved resolution it still appears in the dashboard filter with OPEN status, where issue’s sub-menu displays that that the issue is closed:


    Issue’s resolution should be changed to Merged, Closed, Fixed, Resolved or Completed, but having it unchanged messes up the filter and issue is still considered open.

    Merge Issue is an AWESOME plugin and we want to use it to its fullest potential. It is really helpful.

    Your timely assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.



    [cid:emailtest22bcc46] Imran Khoja

  4. Anton Bakharevski reporter

    i had same issue and resolved it by adding more post functions into Merge transition. One would assign issue to the "current user", and the other would set resolution to the desired value (in my case i am setting them to "duplicate" but feel free to do whatever you want). worked perfectly for me after that.

    i saw Istvan suggesting full Jira reindex, did not help me for some reason.

  5. Imran Khoja

    Worked like a charm.... Thanks a lot

    Imran Khoja

    Quality Assurance Analyst Phone: 713-622-2875 Mobile: 832-279-8708 Website:


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