Certain issues won't merge

Issue #26 new
Eve Podet created an issue

My users have merged 75 issues successfully, but 5 have not merged. The description doesn't show the Merged message and the comments are not copied to the new issue.

I tested this by cloning the "merge to" and was able to repeat the problem - the status changes to Duplicate and the post function to set Resolution to Duplicate fires, but it looks like the Merge function isn't firing.

When I moved my closed "merge to" issue to another project, I was able to merge to it. When I tried to merge the same original issue to a different issue in the original project, that worked to.

It is just a problem merging particular issues to specific other issues, but I can reproduce the problem.

Comments (5)

  1. Verhás István repo owner

    Can you provide the corresponding part of the atlassian-jira.log? At first you should change the log level to debug for com.verhas logger.

  2. Eve Podet reporter

    I don't have a com.verhas logger in Troubleshooting and Support -> Loging and Profiling - am I looking in the right place?

  3. Eve Podet reporter

    I got rid of one of the error messages that wasn't really creating the problem. I tried it again, same result, and I'm attaching the new log file (word format).

    I don't have a way to increase the com.verhas logging - should I?

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