Two author pages because of umlauts?

Issue #104 resolved
Marc Würth created an issue

My full name is Marc Würth and it seems because of the ü umlaut I got two author pages on VersionEye:

In ravage84/phpunit-selenium2-pageobjects I used "name": "Marc Wuerth",. I see this could be one reason.

In simkimsia/upload though, "name": "Marc Würth", is written. I don't understand why this repo is lised on my marc_wuerth VersionEye page.

Also simkimsia/upload (1.0.0) appears in the list of both author pages.

I think if an author/ (contributor) in the composer.json can be linked back to a GitHub profile, either through his email or homepage, VersionEye should list the repo in the author page that is linked to that GitHub profile. And there should only be one author page for each GitHub profile.

Thanks Marc

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @ravage84. You are right with your assumptions. VersionEye is storing meta information about authors like the the crawlers are finding it, 1 to 1. But there is an abstraction layer above that. VersionEye tries already to merge profiles based on email and uniq. names. But I have to admit I didn't took the German Umlaute into account. Let me see what I can do to merge your profiles. I ping you again if I know more.

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