Analyze Gem Specifications (*.gemspec)

Issue #106 resolved
Ilya Vassilevsky created an issue

In Ruby gems, dependencies are not listed in Gemfile. Instead, Gemfile has a single gemspec method call.

It evaluates the GEMNAME.gemspec file. The resulting Gem::Specification object contains runtime and development dependencies.

VersionEye needs to do the same to extract gem dependencies.

Comments (10)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @vassilevsky In general it's solved now. A background job is currently re calculating the prod_keys. Then can take a couple hours or days :-D

  2. Robert Reiz

    @vassilevsky Ah, sorry. I posted on the wrong issue :-D All my comments are related to the reference feature. The references are now sorted by reference numbers. The initial "re sorting" will take a couple days. Calculating the diffs every day only a couple hours.

  3. Piotr Kuczynski

    Should that work for any new project being added? For my open source gem, it does not recognize dependencies listed in gemspec file :(

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