Add Licence Field to "projects:show" in API

Issue #117 resolved
Robert Schönthal created an issue

would be good if we have a field "licence" which points to "Unknown" or "Bad" or "Good"

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @digitalkaoz I just implemented it. Now each project dependency has an Array "licenses". It is an Array because some dependencies have a dual license or even more than 2 licenses. The elements in the Array look like this.


    on_whitelist can have 3 values:

    • true
    • false
    • null (In that case there is no license whitelist assigned to the project)

    on_cwl stands for "on component whitelist". The values are similar to the on_whitelist. If the whole Array is empty [] then there is no license available.

    Let me know if that works for you or you need more.

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