Ability to search for a project by it's Github repo OR address

Issue #12 new
aavindraa@gmail.com created an issue

I was looking to track releases of Git itself, but it is hard to find "git." If I search for git, there are dozens and dozens of pages, and I haven't been able to find it yet.

I should be able to search by:


or by:


This would be hugely helpful when searching for projects to track.

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    I guess I know what you mean. We take it as feature request ;-)

    Currently we don't track git itself. But you can submit any GitHub repository to VersionEye and we will integrate it into our crawling framework. I just submitted git by myself. It will be integrated & crawled in the next 24 hours. I will post the VersionEye Page here!

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