Python dependencies badge on a merged project

Issue #13 resolved
Tobias Wilken created an issue

I have a project with different dependencies (requirements.txt, bower.json, package.json) but the badge says 'Pythen dependencies out of date' (currently).

I would prefer if it would just be 'dependencies'.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @tooangel The current implementation still shows:

    <LANGUAGE>_dependencies - <STATUS>

    But only if its a project with one single file or all the project files in the project share the same language. If that's not the case it displays:

    dependencies - <STATUS>
  2. Robert Reiz

    @tooangel One more thing. The dependency badges are cached in Memcached for 24 hours. It might take a while until it updates. You can force a reset by hitting the "re parse" button ;-)

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