We couldn't find any supported project files in this branch.

Issue #131 resolved
Former user created an issue

Always receiving this but there's a composer.json on the repository


We couldn't find any supported project files in this branch."

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    The project is private and it's working right now (yesterday I've tested with public repositories and they worked).

    I suspect the problem was related with github limits, however no error message was shown (other than than one I posted above)

    (our user: https://www.versioneye.com/users/Wondeotec)

  2. Robert Reiz

    OK. I didn't think it is related to the GitHub rate limits. But maybe to the RabbitMQ workers on our side. We had some issues with them this week. We solved the problem by scaling up. I consider this problem as solved. Please feel free to reopen this ticket if you get the same error again.

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