Dependencies from Maven not very up to date

Issue #132 resolved
Torsten Krause created an issue

The versions fetched from maven central are not very up to date.

For example, my library net.markenwerk:utils-mail-dkim has a dependency to net.markenwerk:utils-data-fetcher. the current version of the letter is 1.1.1, but in VersionEyes project overview of the first project, where it says correctly, that the resolved version is 1.1.1, it also says that the newest version is 1.1.0, which is wrong.

Currently, this is not so bad, but before I pushed the latest updates to Maven Central, VersionEye reported that the resolved version of 1.0.0 was up to data, although 1.1.0 had already been available.

In addition to that, if I follow the link to utils-data-fetcher from utils-mail-dkim, it brings me to VersionEyes version of 1.1.1, about which it doesn't seem to know anything (not more than about any made up version), especially not the correct license.

This is not too bad in this case, because both libraries are under my control, but I don't see any reason, why I should trust VersionEyes knowledge about any other artifact.

Comments (4)

  1. Torsten Krause reporter

    I've looked at this for a bit now.

    It seems to take about a week for new versions to be picked up by VersionEye.

  2. Robert Reiz

    Hi @toKrause. For Maven we are fetching the Maven index from Maven Central. Unfortunately the Maven Index gets updated only once a week. For all other Languages/Package Managers we can deliver daily updated information, because all other Package Managers on this planet have some kind of REST API. But it seems the Maven guys don't like REST APIs, The prefer to generate a big lucene index once a week. I don't like that either. That's so 1995. But it is how it is.

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