Login dialog in on-premise installation points to wrong form

Issue #146 resolved
SaschaVogt created an issue

When browsing an on-premise installation logged out, there are A LOT of modal dialogs "encouraging" to log in (via Github or Bitbucket).

a) I think the dialog should NOT popup on each and every click (maybe once an hour or once a day would be a good timeframe) b) It should point to the "normal" login form, where I can also log in via my LDAP credentials

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Ah, your are write. In the Enterprise version you shouldn't get all this growth hacking features :-D

  2. Robert Reiz

    @SaschaVogt I disabled the aggressive modal dialog for VersionEye Enterprise. Please download the current Docker images:

    • versioneye/rails_app: 3.31.3
    • versioneye/rails_api: 2.7.6
    • versioneye/tasks:1.23.0

    They include additional BugFixes & Features.

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