Carthage support

Issue #149 new
James Adams created an issue

Carthage by GitHub is a Dynamic Framework dependency manager. A bit similar to Pods but specifically to deal with Dynamic Frameworks within ObjectiveC / Swift.

Please can we have support for this increasingly important package manager.

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @actusJim Sure. Does it have an index? Or is completely based on GitHub tags without any centralised index?

  2. James Adams

    @reiz - the latter - "based on GitHub tags without any centralised index" (I'm guessing when you say tags, you're referring to release tags?). It has a cartfile which is the equivalent of package.json, bower.json, podfile, etc. In the cartfile you would list github repos. and use semantic version numbers in the same manner as you would in a package.json.

    It is for dynamic frameworks in iOS - so it's slightly different to pods in the fact that it will grab the source and build which then provides the framework for incorporation into your project.

    The one thing it doesn't seem to do is dependency management as it is designed to manage standalone frameworks.


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