"No server available" / "API token not valid."

Issue #167 resolved
Jens Doose created an issue

A previously working setting with node-versioneye-update is now reporting

  • "No server available"

  • OR "API token not valid."

with unchanged settings.

Is this a problem with the server?

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @jdoose VersionEye was down on the weekend for round about 30 min, because of a DB migration. Is it maybe related to that? Do you still keep getting this errors?

  2. Jens Doose reporter

    Maybe the "server not available" message.

    But "API token not valid" is still showing sometimes:

    2016-01-25_11-44-52.png API key and project id have not been changed between command execution.

    It is strange, that some calls worked, some did not.

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