Maven Release Plugin - indicated version not on Maven Central

Issue #170 resolved
martinjoconnor created an issue

I have a set of projects that I deploy on Maven Central. I use the Maven Release plugin to perform this deployment.

The latest Maven Release Plugin version on Maven Central is 2.5.3.

The VersionEye-indicated latest version is 3.0-r1585899.

I cannot use the 3.0-r1585899 version in my project because the Maven Central deploy fails because it cannot find this dependency. Which means a permanent 'dependency out of date' VersionEye status.

It would be nice if there was some way to configure VersionEye to indicate that only a particular repository (e.g., Maven Central) should be considered as the source of the latest version of dependencies?

(And should 3.0-r1585899 really be treated at the latest stable release?)


Comments (7)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @martinjoconnor Can you post the exact group and artefact ID please? I would need that to take a look to your case.

    I remember that I removed a 3.0-rX version a couple days ago, but not sure if we are talking about the same artefact!

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