Status changes only reflected in flat style badges

Issue #172 resolved
Jonathan Leitschuh created an issue

Status changes only reflected in flat style badges.

These are two badges from the same repository but with different styles.

Dependency Status Dependency Status

In case the plastic style badge updates for some reason here's a screenshot of the badges above. Image version

Comments (10)

  1. Jonathan Leitschuh reporter

    It seems to have been fixed however it didn't update when I used the "re-parse now" button. It seems that the daily digest updates all of the icons but not the "re-parse now".

  2. Robert Reiz

    It's fixed now! The re parse button does now reset the flat badge as well. Please confirm that it works for you.

  3. Jonathan Leitschuh reporter

    Thanks for your rapid response. This project is really cool.

    I'll mess around with it later today if I get a chance.

  4. Jonathan Leitschuh reporter

    This is still happening, our dependencies were out of date and I just merged a PR that fixed the out of date dependencies. After hitting re-parse the flat style badge updated but the plastic one did not.

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