Allow regular users to filter for their projects and skip public projects

Issue #191 resolved
SaschaVogt created an issue

Currently only admins have an additional filter to select only their projects, all public projects or all projects.

Regular users therefore have no way of filtering out public projects. They can only filter on organisations, or their view (which always includes public projects).

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @SaschaVogt Not sure if I understand it right. But if you setup a team and assign this team to let's say 10 projects in your organisation, then by default the users from that team will only see this 10 projects in the orga. Inside the organisation you can filter the projects down by team. Or you can display ALL projects in the orga. Is it that what you are looking for?

  2. Robert Reiz

    I close this because in the mean while we added filters to organisation.projects. You can filter them down by language, team and version.

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