GitHub organization repos not visible despite public membership status

Issue #197 resolved
Jennifer Vendetti created an issue

I have owner privileges for this GitHub organization:, and my membership setting is "Public". However, VersionEye doesn't list any of the repositories from this organization on my GitHub Repositories page. I've tried using the "Reimport all Repositories" link several times, but the repos never show up. My GitHub id is jvendetti (

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @jvendetti I can reproduce this issue. Unfortunately I have no idea why the GitHub API only returns 1 organisation for your token. I just wrote a message to the GitHub support. Hope they get back to me soon.

  2. Robert Reiz

    Hey @jvenemajr. It seems that you didn't gave VersionEye access to that organisation. Here is the answer from the GitHub support:

    It appears that your user has granted VersionEye access to the "protegeproject" organization, but not the "ncbo" organization.
    To help you troubleshoot, you can ask your user to go to
    and ask them to verify that "ncbo" has been granted access under the "Organization Access" table.

    Does that answer solve your problem?

  3. Jennifer Vendetti reporter

    Hi @reiz. Yes thanks, that solved the problem. I didn't know that this step was necessary. One of the other owners of the protegeproject organization had granted access to VersionEye. When I was trying to set it up for ncbo, I was using the documentation on this page:, but I didn't see any instructions there for needing to grant access in the repository settings.

    Thanks for helping me get it working!

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