Feature request: Support tracking minor versions, ignoring major versions

Issue #205 new
Tobias Preuss created an issue

In some projects it is not possible to upgrade to the latest major version of a library. One example is assertj-core. The library is available for different environments:

- AssertJ 1.x requires Java 6 or higher (suitable for Android)
- AssertJ 2.x requires Java 7 or higher (should be suitable for Android - please file an issue if it's not the case)
- AssertJ 3.x requires Java 8 or higher (not suitable for Android due to Path assertions)

Source: AssertJ Core overview

Since the project might be an Android project or cannot use a newer version of Java it is of interest for the maintainer to keep track of minor releases of an older major version instead of the latest major version. It would be great if this would be possible to configure through the web interface.

Comments (2)

  1. Rick Jensen

    This seems similar to other requests to whitelist versions of dependencies so as not to be flagged as being out-dated. Making that sort of capability able to handle pattern-matching around major-minor-patch-build would handle both requests I think.

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