VersionEye is incorrectly identifying the versions that my pom references for deltaspike jars

Issue #208 resolved
Andy Glick created an issue

I have a project at github, I connected to version eye from my github account and set up the project

Name: andyglick/cucumber-spring-eclipselink (5667bd13f376cc003d000f79)

I take the setting of the versions of libraries that my project uses fairly seriously, I have updated the project to use deltaspike version 1.6.0, rather than the 1.5.4 that I was using previously.

if you check the pom you ought to see that the version for each of the referenced deltaspike jars is 1.6.0. That is set in a pom wide property.

I am confused about why VersionEye is reporting that the 5 jars are declared to be using 1.5.4 when they are clearly using 1.6.0.

In my own local environment if I execute

mvn help:effective-pom

all five jars are version 1.6.0

I have attempted to get the VersionEye system to reparse the pom file a number of times now, but it continues to mistakenly report the wrong versions.

Comments (6)

  1. Andy Glick reporter

    what I didn't think to say earlier is that I have installed the versioneye-maven-plugin in my project and when I run

    mvn versioneye:list

    it reports that all of the deltaspike jars are included at version 1.6.0

  2. Robert Reiz

    Hi Andy. Can you post a link to the VersionEye project? And did you use the VersionEye Maven Plugin to create and update the project? For example:

    mvn versioneye:create

    and then later to update the existing project:

    mvn versioneye:update

    Did you do it that way?

  3. Andy Glick reporter

    Hi Robert -- this is the VersionEye URL for my project it seems to be broken now

    Again, this is the github URL of my project -- I use a versioneye badge so when things at versioneye are OK, which they don't seem to be, you can navigate to versioneye from github

    OK, you asked me some questions, the answer to any and all that you asked WRT the versioneye-maven-plugin is no. I wasn't even aware of the versioneye plugin until versioneye began reporting erroneous state information about my project. FBOW what I normally use is the versions-maven-plugin and while it isn't perfect it is pretty good at indicating when there are more recent versions of the libraries that I have bound in my pom files.

  4. Robert Reiz

    Hi @andyglick. I just forked your project on GitHub and checked it out. For complex maven projects where the project configuration and dependencies are distributed over multiple pom.xml files I always recommend the VersionEye Maven Plugin, because it's using the native maven-core project to resolve everything and only sends the results to the VersionEye API. But for your project the GitHub Integration should work perfectly because everything is in one single file. So I'm monitoring a fork of your project via the GitHub integration and it seems to work. Please double check it here:

    The project here doesn't exist anymore: If this project here: looks good to you I would recommend to remove the VersionEye Maven Plugin from your pom and use the GitHub integration. If you want I can transfer the project to your account, then you only need to change the project ID in your at GitHub. Then the dependency badge will work again ;)

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