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Android Repository Support
It would be really nice if Version-Eye would support the android artifacts you usually have in android projects. At the moment only the artifacts coming from maven-central and jcenter are showing up - the android ones are unknown like this:
1.0.0 1.0.0 assertj-android Follow
2.3.1 2.3.1 gson Follow
1.2 1.2 dexmaker-mockito Follow
0.25.9 0.25.9 android-query Follow
1.1.2 1.1.2 spoon-client Follow
UNKNOWN 0.1 testing-support-lib
UNKNOWN 2.0 espresso-core
UNKNOWN 21.0.3 support-v4
UNKNOWN 21.0.3 recyclerview-v7
UNKNOWN 21.0.3 appcompat-v7
UNKNOWN 21.0.0 cardview-v7
UNKNOWN 6.5.+ play-services-maps
they are provided in maven style repositories via the SDK in android-sdk/extras/android/m2repository ( the open-source ones ) and android-sdk/extras/google/m2repository ( the closed ones like play-services )
Comments (19)
reporter -
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Can you send a link to the repository? A complete URL would be helpful ;-)
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reporter the problem is there is no "link" - otherwise I would have given it to you - the repository ships with the sdk ..
@ligi OK. That's not wrong. If they use a maven index inside the SDK it will be easy to get the data out. Are you talking about this SDK: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html ?
reporter yes - this is the sdk. after downloading you need to open the sdk manager and install Android Support Repository , Android Support Library, Google Repository and play services. Then you have the paths I mentioned initial.
Sounds doable :-)
@reiz Is there any progress on this? Its kinda hard to track the releases of the support libs (Check out https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/5569427e63653200265a1500 for an example)
I also would like to see the Android SDK libraries in VersionEye. There is the sdk-manager-plugin which might be useful to automatically download SDK artifacts when they are missing.
@tbsprs @ligi I managed it to download the libraries to my localhost, after installing an huge Android IDE. But how can we automate this? Do I need to have a UI for downloading this libraries? Is there no other way to fetch the libraries?
@kbruck12 I just installed the Android Studio and I could find all the unknown libraries from your project. Just support-v4 is missing. What I have to install to get that lib on my localhost?
reporter you have to install the android-support repository
Thanks. I have it now.
@kbruck12 Your dependencies are all up-to-date now :) https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/5569427e63653200265a1500
@ligi @kbruck12 @tbsprs I integrated it now. But it was manual work to get it done. I had to install the Android Studio and install the libs manually through the UI, copy them to the server and start the crawler. Any idea how that can be automated? Any way to fetch the libraries without a GUI and without human interaction?
Thanks! Looks good!
Maybe you can check out the SDK Manager Extensions, if that gives any hints on a hidden google API. Downloads can be done directly, check this file: https://github.com/JakeWharton/sdk-manager-plugin/blob/master/src/main/groovy/com/jakewharton/sdkmanager/internal/SdkDownload.groovy
By the way. You have to click the "Re Parse Now" button to update your projects ;-)
reporter you might be able to leverage this: https://github.com/JakeWharton/sdk-manager-plugin
OK. I will take a closer look to that.
@reiz Thank you for working on the issue. It helps a lot to have the SDK at place to keep an eye onto all the dependencies.
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