Why are CMakeLists.txt files detected if they aren't supported?

Issue #213 resolved
Nicholas Braden created an issue

After reading about the death of Biicode, I switched my C++ projects over to pure CMake using project(VERSION) and find_package. Then since my projects were initially set up as biicode, they were throwing errors about not being able to find the biicode.conf file, so I deleted them and recreated one to test what would happen.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Clearly, something is wrong here. Either I should be told that CMake/C++ projects are not supported, or the CMake support needs to be fixed. I'm not sure which.

You can view it here, and the GitHub repository is here

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Reiz

    VersionEye assumes that all *.txt files belong to Python PIP and are some form of requirement.txt files.

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