Some patterns not detected

Issue #217 resolved
Adrien SALES created an issue

Pattern 2.0-beta-1 seems to be more recent than 2.5 Pattern 2.0-beta-1 seems to be more recent than 2.3

Live example can be found here :

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hey @adriensales. I just wrote a unit test for the version comparator with the versions from your project. See here: The test is passing. That means the version comparator works like expected. But I found out that VersionEye doesn't has the version 2.5 of the jxr-maven-plugin. VersionEye only nows version 2.0-beta-1 of the plugin, that's why that version is the newest for VersionEye. See here:

    I close this issue because the pattern recognition works fine. Which Maven repositories are you using in your project? From which source are you fetching version 2.5 of the plugin?

  2. Adrien SALES reporter

    Hi Robert,

    sorry for this latest comment, but i don't understand why "VersionEye only nows version 2.0-beta-1 of the plugin, that's why that version is the newest for VersionEye"

    On :

    i can see that the 2.5 is released on Nov 2014 whereas the 2.0.x is released on May 2006. So the 2.5 is the most up-to-date version, and also the latest released one.

    Hopefully the will help you find out the source of the problem :

    Have a nice day.

    Kind Regards,



  3. Robert Reiz

    Hey @adriensales. Now you are talking about a different plugin. In your project on VersionEye you are referencing the "jxr-maven-plugin", but in your last comment you are talking about the "maven-jxr-plugin". That are 2 different components. The maven-jxr-plugin package is available on VersionEye as well with version 2.5, see here: But in your project you are referencing "jxr-maven-plugin" from codehaus: Maybe the project was renamed and moved?

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