List Excluded Transitive Dependencies

Issue #243 resolved
ShahzadAmajdKhan created an issue

In pom file it is possible to exclude transitive dependencies to avoid conflicts. E.g. if a project is based on JRE7 and transitive dependency is based on JRE8. transitive dependency will be excluded and required JRE7 version would be separately added. Also in case transitive dependencies could conflict with other versions

So it would be good to see a list of excluded transitive dependencies for a single dependencies.

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @ShahzadAmajdKhan I'm not sure if I understand what you mean. Are you using the VersionEye Maven Plugin? That plugin has a configuration option transitiveDependencies, if that is turned on the plugin will only send dependencies to the VersionEye API which are actually used in your project. That should take care of the excluded transitive dependencies as well. Is it that what you are looking for?

  2. ShahzadAmajdKhan reporter

    @reiz Thanks, yes with transitiveDependencies enabled, I can see only the required dependency list.

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