Project inconsistencies - 6 projects split to 2 owners + says 0 projects watched

Issue #252 resolved
Hari Sekhon created an issue

I'm seeing inconsistencies between projects and owners. I've added 6 repos all from GitHub, 5 have gone under harisekhon / Owners and one has gone under Hari Sekhon.

So the one under Hari Sekhon isn't being displayed, only the 5 from Owners most of the time, so then I went to the Projects page where it said I was watching 0 projects but then showed me all 6 - this also shows the split between the user and organization assignments.

I read versioneye switched to force organization upon all users, but this seems somewhat broken behaviour so far.

Currently there seems to be a lack of [intuitive] control over projects.

See attached screenshot showing 0 projects watched, 6 listed across 2 users/organizations.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @harisekhon. Sorry for the issue. I just fixed that project count with this commit:

    That's true. We switched to forced organisations because it makes collaboration much easier. I moved the one personal project also into your organisation. If you login to VersionEye you are redirected to your organisation / project view. Under the "Projects" menu you see all your projects over all organisations, because you can be member of multiple organisations.

    I'm open for improvements. If you have a good idea how to improve the whole UI experience, please let me know. In the best case you send a pull request ;-)

  2. Hari Sekhon reporter

    Thanks. The thing is I don't actually know how that just added project ended up under my user instead of the same organization as the other projects I added - is that a bug?

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