Not detecting out of date dep in build.sbt, but does detect same package in build.gradle and pom.xml

Issue #254 resolved
Hari Sekhon created an issue

VersionEye fails to detect an out of date library for kafka_2.10 when using while is out. The Maven and Gradle builds with the same out of date dependency were discovered which is how I discovered the issue, but it didn't detect the same out of date library in build.sbt.

Here is what VersionEye shows for pom.xml and build.gradle

kafka_2.10 Apache-2.0

vs what it thinks for build.sbt:

kafka 0.7.2 UNKNOWN

This is most likely due to the auto-suffixing of %% in build.sbt.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hey @harisekhon Can you upload your build.sbt file here please? That would be helpful for debugging.

  2. Hari Sekhon reporter

    I've attached the build.sbt file - it's also viewable via the link on the versioneye project page since it's on public github.

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