500 Internal Server Error on project creation

Issue #256 resolved
Erik C. Thauvin created an issue

I'm developing a plugin for a build tool, and each time I try to use /api/v2/projects to create a new project, I get a 500 Internet Server Error back from the server.

I assumed that I was doing something wrong, but I don't see anything wrong with my request, at least not compared to the one sent by the API test page.

I've enclosed both full text requests.

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hey @ethauvin. Do you still have this issues? We had yesterday night some downtime because of infrastructure problems. Maybe it was related to that? If you still have that issue I will debug it of course.

  2. Erik C. Thauvin reporter

    Thanks @reiz. Yes, it is still happening and I found out something else... It works if I use the demo API key (f98ce8f4cffeca6bbf91) but errors out if I use my API key.

    If you need to trigger the error, follow these steps (you'll need java installed):

    git clone git@bitbucket.org:ethauvin/kobalt-versioneye.git
    cd kobalt-versioneye
    ./kobaltw assemble
    cd example
    ./kobaltw -Dversioneye.apiKey=f98ce8f4cffeca6bbf91 versionEye

    That'll work without an error, substitue my API key in the last command and you'll get the 500 Internal Server Error.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Robert Reiz

    Hey @ethauvin. I just tried it out and could reproduce the error. It's fixed now.

    You can also test with your organisations API key. Find it here: https://www.versioneye.com/organisations/thauvin/apikey. The orga API key is not attached to any user and you can use it to create, update and delete projects in your organisation.

    If you are developing a plugin for VersionEye this repo might be interesting for you: https://github.com/versioneye/pom_json_format. The other JVM plugins for VersionEye are implementing that JSON format.

    Let me know if you need more help.

  4. Robert Reiz

    @ethauvin Awesome! I will add it to the list on the API page. What is your twitter handle? I will include your plugin in the next VersionEye newsletter ;)

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