Gradle: Error resolving inline version string defined in ext block

Issue #269 closed
Tobias Preuss created an issue

In my Android project I am using an ext block to a define version which is the same for multiple artifacts in a central location.

ext {
    supportLibVersion = "23.4.0"

dependencies {
    compile "${supportLibVersion}"
    testCompile "${supportLibVersion}"

VersionEye currently does not resolve the version as shown in the screenshot. It displays the $ sign instead.


Please note, that Groovy allows different ways for inlining variables:

  • compile "${supportLibVersion}"
  • compile "$supportLibVersion"

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Comments (6)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hey @tbsprs The link you posted seems to show a different content. In the file you linked here I can't see any variable definitions. Can you please update the link or just post the full content of the file here? Many Thanks.

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