How do you construct a component whitelist for an NPM (i.e., Node.JS) package?

Issue #280 resolved
Kenneth Eugene Brubaker created an issue

Could not find any documentation for how to construct my Component Whitelist entries for npm pacakges, and what I have does not seem to be working for my PR. Please tell me the right values.

My VEYE project: Name: latticework/jali (5796e2e64fe918003eb3248e)

My PR:

My whitelist (Jali) entries: javascript:@types/mkdirp javascript:@types/node javascript:@types/sanitize-filename javascript:marked javascript:@types/tmp node.js:@types/mkdirp node.js:marked npm:@types/mkdirp npm:marked

Comments (1)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi Kenneth, sorry for my late response. The component whitelist only makes sense together with an license whitelist. To whitelist the NPM package sanitize-filename you have to put this value on your component whitelist: nodejs:sanitize-filename. I just updated the documentation and the text above the component whitelist input field and added more examples.

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