I can not see my GitHub Organisations

Issue #299 resolved
Michel Desconnets created an issue


I check with the FAQ, where there is an help for this. Indeed, i was in private view before.

Now, i update my visibility in organisation to public, but when I want to create the project I have nothing.

You can see me https://github.com/SLMitch and see the organisation HUPI.


Comments (8)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @SLMitch. That is a good question. I can reproduce it but I don't know why the GitHub API doesn't return anything for your API token. I will contact the GitHub support.

  2. Robert Reiz

    @SLMitch Maybe the GitHub token we have for your user account is not valide anymore. Did you try to logout from VersionEye and login again via the "Login with GitHub" button? That will generate a new github token for your user. Maybe than it works. But I will contact the GitHub support anyway.

  3. Michel Desconnets reporter

    Hi, Yes, i try several time.

    Once again now.

    I also try to delete my account and create again in versioneye, same things.

    Thanks !

  4. Robert Reiz

    OK. I just send a message to the GitHub Support, let's see what they respond. I debugged it down but the GitHub API returns an empty Array for your orga list. I don't know why. For other accounts it's working fine.

  5. Robert Reiz

    Hi @SLMitch here is the response from the GitHub support team:

    No, not right. That organization has this feature enabled and your application has not been whitelisted:
    As a result, the organization is not listed in the user's organization memberships and you won't be able to access private organization-owned resources or modify most resources. That behavior is expected.
    You can ask the user to disable the feature or whitelist the application in the organization. Let me know if that doesn't help.

    I guess you have to whitelist the VersionEye application for that, than it will work.

  6. Robert Reiz

    I close this ticket because it's not a bug on the VersionEye side. But of course we can continue chatting here. I'm happy to help.

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