Payment role for organizations

Issue #305 new
Adrien SALES created an issue


We recently subscribed to a paid plan on versioneye. As a public orgnaization, we have no credit card, hence we have to pay a third party person to do that for us. The only thing we ask to that person is to pay for us and ideally we would not like him to be owner of our organization. But for now, from what i could see, i had to put him as a Owner to allow him to pay for us and to allow him to have access to payment history.

Feature Request

On each organisation, create a group/role that gives access to payment options so we can ask a third party to pay for us without giving him ownership of the organization.

For details about our current situation, you can take a look at

Comments (2)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @adriensales. Indeed you need to be in the Owners group to update the payment & credit card information. But after that you can remove that person completely from the organisation. In the form for the billing address you have to provide an email address. VersionEye will send the PDF invoice to that email address every time a new PDF invoice is generated. So even if you remove that 3rd person entirely from your organisation and he doesn't has access to the payment history, he will get the PDF invoices via Email. Does that solve your problem?

    But what would be your preferred payment way? Would be PayPal an better alternative to credit card payments?

  2. Robert Reiz

    @adriensales Here is screenshot from the billing address in my account. If it is not the case right now, you should provide here the email address of that 3rd person who should receive the PDF invoices via Email.

    Screen Shot 2016-10-27 at 13.03.38.png

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