When packages being listed on VerionEye?

Issue #319 resolved
Abdelrahman Omran created an issue

Are you fetching new packages from packagist maybe automatically, or it's the adding process through the organization profile, or something else that get new packages listed on VersionEye? We've added one of our packages but when trying to access it seems to be still not listed?! https://www.versioneye.com/php/rinvex:laravel-authy/ -> https://github.com/rinvex/laravel-authy

Comments (7)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @Omranic. For PHP packages VersionEye is crawling Packagist.org and a couple public Satis repositories once a day. I couldn't find your package on Packagist.org either, so it's not a bug. As soon your package shows up on Packagist.org it will show up on VersionEye too.

  2. Robert Reiz

    @Omranic Indeed. Somehow I didn't saw it on my search. I will double check the crawler today and find out why it doesn't pick up your package.

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