PHP License shows as Unknown

Issue #33 resolved
Ross Perkins created an issue

I set a minimum PHP version in my composer.json

VersionEye is now emailing me an "error" every day saying that the license for the "php" dependency is unknown.

On this page you can see that it doesn't like having a "php" version requirement:

Please fix. PHP uses a well known BSD-style license.

Comments (13)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @OSInet That's fixed now. We have different crawlers at VersionEye. One is for example searching for new Versions and another one is fetching licenses. That's why it can happen that we detect a new PHP version and the license gets fetched later. But for the PHP interpreter I just updated the code. For PHP-Src both crawlers are running now synchronously. In future if a new version of PHP-Src comes out the license will appear immediately.

  2. Frederic Marand

    Well, I'm afraid no. Things are even worse now: not only is symfony/yaml: 3.0 still unknown, but now all of the following are unknown too, including PHP itself:

    Dependency License monolog/monolog : 1.13.1 UNKNOWN pimple/pimple : 3.0.0 UNKNOWN phpunit/phpunit : 4.6.10 UNKNOWN php : 5.6.9 UNKNOWN

  3. Frederic Marand

    This fixed the main license list indeed. But still not the transitive dependencies : look at symfony/yaml in the transitive dependencies list on that page.

  4. Robert Reiz

    @OSInet In the transitiv dependency list symfony/yaml is listed with version 3.0. But that version doesn't exist. Licenses are always bound to a specific artefact with <NAME>:<VERSION>. The newest version of symfony/yaml in the VersionEye DB is 2.7. That's the reason why VersionEye is not a license for symfony/yaml 3.0. If you would define symfony/yaml as direct dependency with version 2.7 the license will show up. But I still not sure why somebody defines a version which doesn't exist. Do you know?

  5. Frederic Marand

    I'm hardly an authority on Symfony : you might want to ask fabpot about this, since symfony/yaml is his product, or sebastian bergmann since phpunit is his.

    What I suspect, though, is that this is in preparation for the upcoming Symfony 3 release : avoiding needing a release of phpunit just to support Symfony3 YAML.

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