Display components release date in the summary table

Issue #330 new
Etienne Giraudy created an issue

One of the input to take action on an outdated component is how far behind we are in terms of version but also how long ago a component was published. This may help pointing out to components that are abandoned / orphaned / renamed ones and thus require different type of action than just upgrading.

Ex: I have a project using com.github.lltyk:dojo-shrinksafe:1.7.2 published in April 2012 which has no newer version. It should be moved to org.dojotoolkit:dojo-shrinksafe which has newer versions...

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @iv-etiennne That are 2 different feature requests ;-)

    1. Show the age of the libraries
    2. Track and link renamed libraries

    The first feature request we do already kind of. In the search results we show how aged the libraries are. I guess you want to see the same numbers in the project report. Makes sense! Will work on that! The 2nd feature request we don't have yet, but also makes a lot of sense.

  2. Etienne Giraudy Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @reiz, thanks for the comment, I am looking forward to the improvements.

    A 3rd request ;-) (let me know if you want me to open another ticket): in the summary table, that would be useful to see the number of CVEs associated both with the version used and with the most recent version. This is some feedback from my team, as we are evaluating the use of version-eye... basically making a summary table with all the useful details available at a glance.

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