Version snapshot and version-update compare with the old snapshot version instead of getting latest version again from internet

Issue #342 new
Vikas Bali created an issue

just wondering if version eye has a feature where we take a snapshot of the outdated jars and then fix it and when we run versioneye-update task again, it should match the jar version to the old snapshot version instead of going to the internet and compare it with the latest version available. In short, I would like to have a snapshot of the list of jars when I run versioneye-create and then I want to run versionwye-update task in offline mode.

Or do we have a way to compare only the major version of the library ?


Comments (6)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @Rzvikas I'm not sure if I understand your question, but I would say that is currently not possible. The command mvn versioneye:update or mvn versioneye:create always contacts the VersionEye API. By default the public API at or if you configured it that way the API of a private VersionEye instance.

  2. Vikas Bali reporter

    Sorry, Let me rephrase the question. I ran versioneye-create which gives me list of jars which are outdated in my project. I fixed few and I ran versioneye-update, I wanted to see those item out of the outdated list but the number does not change because there is another minor released of that jar and versioneye is again showing my upgraded jar as outdated, which is also correct but I am looking for a behaviour where I want to lock down the version number of my jars when I run versioneye-create and later on when I run versioneye-update after fixing few outdated jar version, the number should go down so that I can see the progress I have made so far and I can certify that my project is upto date as of a particular date. I hope this will help in understanding my question.

  3. Vikas Bali reporter

    Perfect, yes this is what I was looking for. One more question since I have already executed versioneye-create again after upgrading version of one of the my jar lets say from 1 to 2 and now version 3 is available so I am still getting this jar as outdated on versioneye website.

    Is it possible for me to tag the new available version as 2 and then mute that jar so that I do not get a red flag about my jar as outdated on my project on versioneye website ?

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