Simplify Update Workflow

Issue #358 new
Jens Doose created an issue

I love versioneye when checking for new versions of components I use. But currently it is not very "straight forward" to use versioneye for really updating the components and it evolves a LOT of browser tabs ;)

Usually I like to check the changelog before really updating a component. Therefore I click in the versioneye UI on the component name, open the versioneye component page, I look for the Github-link, open it and there I look for "", "", "release" (with +/-5 file names you get like 90%).

It would make my workflow a lot easier if the registry link (e.g. npm) would be directly in the version list. Even better would be the github/repository-link, if possible. And really awesome would be to have a direct link to the changelog directly on the version page. I can image this is not quite easy, since you'd have to crawl the component repository as well. It would just be such a major plus ;) This was also mentioned in #11 and #168, but these seem to be kind of dead ends ;)

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