Projects uploaded as public, display as private.

Issue #374 resolved
Erik C. Thauvin created an issue

When I upload projects, clearly marked as public:

[HTTP] --> POST http/1.1
[HTTP] Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=a17ba6d6-4a8b-4ce2-b901-c3f6dced81aa
[HTTP] Content-Length: 2240
[HTTP] --a17ba6d6-4a8b-4ce2-b901-c3f6dced81aa
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Length: 20

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upload"; filename="kobalt-property-file.pom"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1505

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <description>PropertyFile plug-in for the Kobalt build system.</description>
      <name>BSD 3-Clause</name>
      <name>Erik C. Thauvin</name>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="orga_name"
Content-Length: 7

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="team_name"
Content-Length: 6

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="visibility"
Content-Length: 6


[HTTP] --> END POST (2240-byte body)
[HTTP] <-- 201 Created (1390ms)
[HTTP] Server: nginx/1.10.0 (Ubuntu)
[HTTP] Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2017 04:27:14 GMT
[HTTP] Content-Type: application/json
[HTTP] Content-Length: 1260
[HTTP] Connection: keep-alive
[HTTP] Set-Cookie: api_key=053b3aabe8e97xxxxf37
[HTTP] ETag: W/"05b33ff7c79e9427ad68104c28b6cb85"
[HTTP] Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
[HTTP] X-Request-Id: 4061926f-ed5a-44cd-b616-31b529142f93
[HTTP] X-Runtime: 0.335756
[HTTP] {"id":"58fadba2bdf7210012136aee","name":"kobalt-property-file","project_type":"Maven2","organisation":{"name":"Thauvin","company":"Thauvin.Net","location":"Everett, WA, USA"},"public":true,"private_scm":true,"period":"daily","source":"API","dep_number":2,"out_number":0,"licenses_red":0,"licenses_unknown":1,"sv_count":0,"dep_number_sum":2,"out_number_sum":0,"unknown_number_sum":1,"licenses_red_sum":0,"licenses_unknown_sum":1,"sv_count_sum":0,"created_at":"2017-04-22T04:27:14.724Z","updated_at":"2017-04-22T04:27:14.836Z","license_whitelist":null,"dependencies":[{"name":"kobalt-plugin-api","prod_key":null,"group_id":"com.beust","artifact_id":"kobalt-plugin-api","language":"java","version_current":null,"version_requested":"(0,]","comparator":"=","unknown":true,"outdated":false,"stable":null,"licenses":[],"security_vulnerabilities":null},{"name":"testng","prod_key":"org.testng/testng","group_id":"org.testng","artifact_id":"testng","language":"java","version_current":"6.11","version_requested":"6.11","comparator":"=","unknown":false,"outdated":false,"stable":true,"licenses":[{"name":"Apache-2.0","url":"","on_whitelist":null,"on_cwl":null}],"security_vulnerabilities":null}],"child_ids":[],"parent_id":null}
[HTTP] <-- END HTTP (1260-byte body)

They show on the website as private. This is obviously a problem, I personally ran out of private slots because of it.

I noticed in the response that "private_scm":true, which is obviously not true, the public scm is clearly listed in the pom.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @ethauvin. This is not a bug, it works like designed. Projects created through the API are considered as private projects. That's a build in limitation to avoid high traffic on the API and to convert users to paying customers. Sorry, but we are not VC backed and somehow we have to pay the rent for servers and office.

    Because you are developing an extension for the VersionEye API I can bump up the limits for you. Just let me know the name of your VersionEye organisation.

  2. Erik C. Thauvin reporter

    Thanks for answer @reiz.

    Am I safe to assume that the same limitations are placed on the Gradle and Maven plug-ins? I saw no mentions in their documentations.

    My organisation name is "Thauvin". Thanks.

  3. Robert Reiz

    Hi @ethauvin. The limitations are implemented on the server side. It doesn't matter which Plugin or API extension you are using.

    I upgraded your organisation. Now you can create up to 20 projects through the API.

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