concat-stream vulnerabilities not existing anymore

Issue #383 resolved
Former user created an issue

These vulnerabilities were not correctly reported by nodesecurity and are removed by them now.

However they are all still marked as vulnerable:

This is long fixed. See for example:

Comments (5)

  1. farhanible

    Is this due to the fix? The web-interface is inconsistent and the PDF still shows the vulnerability.

    Screen Shot 2017-05-24 at 11.04.18 AM.png

  2. Robert Reiz

    Hi @farhanible. The information in the header contains the summed infos over all your files in the project. As far as I can see from the screenshot your project contains 2 files, the package.json and the yarn.lock file. In the screenshot you are viewing the package.json. I assume that the security vulnerability is in the yarn.lock file. You can either directly click on the "yarn.lock" file in the Files row or click on the "Summary" report.

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