Confusing packages like lodash.isplainobject with isplainobject

Issue #388 resolved
Aidan Lane created an issue

Hi guys,

Our project uses a yarn.lock file, which has entries like:

  version "1.0.2"
  resolved ""
    expand-tilde "^1.2.1"
    lodash.assignwith "^4.0.7"
    lodash.isempty "^4.2.1"
    lodash.isplainobject "^4.0.4"
    lodash.isstring "^4.0.1"
    lodash.pick "^4.2.1"
    parse-filepath "^1.0.1"

VersionEye is getting confused with the lodash.isplainobject "^4.0.4" though, interpreting it as just isplainobject, thus on the following page, the locked version of 4.0.6 doesn't marry up with isplainobject 0.0.1 version:

The two packages:

This problem is causing many false positives, especially for licenses (which appear as UNKNOWN), drowning out true positives.

Please help!


Comments (7)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @aidanlane. @timgluz will take a look to this soon and come back to you either today or tomorrow.

  2. Aidan Lane Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi @timgluz, does that mean that it's fixed, deployed? I ask because I have re-parsed our projects, but we're still experiencing the issue.

  3. Robert Reiz

    It's deployed to production now! If the issue still exists, please re open this ticket. Otherwise just confirm that it works for you.

  4. Aidan Lane Account Deactivated reporter

    It works properly now, thank you greatly @timgluz and @reiz, we really appreciate it- awesome support!

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