Duplicate pom.xml, first isn't updating properly

Issue #392 new
Hari Sekhon created an issue

I can see duplicate pom.xml, one is detecting the correct updated dependencies, the other seems stuck on the old set of dependencies keeping the project marked as dependencies out of date even though the pom.xml was updated the other pom.xml tab shows the correct up to date versions.

See project:


Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @harisekhon Which one is current? I can see that both pom.xml have been updated today, just a couple minutes ago.

    • How did you create the project? Through the VersionEye Maven Plugin? Or any other plugin?
    • How do you update the project? Through the VersionEye Maven Plugin?
  2. Hari Sekhon reporter

    I think I created it on the versioneye website and then later played around with the plugins for maven, sbt and gradle and added support for all of them to my build.

    The current one is the second pom which shows up to date, the first leftmost one is outdated.

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