Current version not updated

Issue #44 resolved
Michael Schnell created an issue

It seems there is an issue with updating the current version of projects. There is already a new version available at Maven Central but the current version of the library points to an old one.

Examples: ("current") but Maven Central has already 0.6.1 ("Current") => 0.6.1 (Maven Central)

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @michael-schnell. It's updated now. VersionEye is using the maven index from MVN central to fetch the updates. Unfortunately Sonatype does not update the index every day. Usually they update the maven index once a week :-/ I contacted them already but it seems they have no interest in providing a daily updated maven index.

    We have some HTML crawlers but they need much more computing power. We use them for smaller maven repositories who don't provide an maven index at all.

    For all other languages we can provide daily up-to-date information.

    We are working on it to get daily up-to-date information for java packages as well but currently we can not guarantee that.

  2. Robert Reiz

    @koppor Well. The answer is above. VersionEye is fetching the Maven Index every day, but Sonatype only updates the index once a week. That's why we have some delays. But it seems that the index was updated again, because now VersionEye is shows 2.5.4 as well.

  3. Tobias Preuss

    I also noticed the outdated version for jackson-core. From a user perspective I would love to see a quick and easy way to report such cases. Here is a feature request:

    • A each package page please put a Report newer version available button so users can report individual cases without hazzle.
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