Python (itself) is missing / cannot be found

Issue #53 new
Quassy IO created an issue

I am unable to locate a page for Python 2 or Python 3. The only thing for Py2 I could find was a reference to 2.5, even though Python is already at 2.7.9 / 3.4.3. Python / cpython should be trackable via versioneye.

Comments (5)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @quassy Currently we track the python package from this source on pypi and as you can see the newest version listed there is 2.5. I found this Python repository on GitHub but unfortunately it has no tags. Do you know another source there we could fetch the information? Currently we don't support SVN.

  2. Robert Reiz

    I changed the status from bug to enhancement simply because this is not a bug, right now we don't track the Python runtime but that will come pretty soon this summer.

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