Properties from a parent pom are not evaluated.

Issue #58 new
Markus Malkusch created an issue

I have a Java project which has this dependency:


${slf4j.version} is defined in its parent pom. In "My Projects" the version is not resolved.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @malkusch. Many Thanks for your feedback. Currently we don't resolve multiple files via the GitHub/Bitbucket API, or any other API. If you want to take advantage of our GitHub/Bitbucket integration you have to put everything in 1 single pom.file.

    For more complex Maven Projects we recommend to use the VersionEye Maven Plugin. Simply put this snippet into your parent pom.xml:


    Run once

    mvn versioneye:create

    to create the project. Then execute

    mvn versioneye:update

    on each build on your CI system. That will resolve ALL your dependencies and update your VersionEye project with your dependencies.

    There are different ways to keep your API Key secret. More to that in the documentation. And here is a complete list with all the configuration options.

    Does that solve your problem?

  2. Robert Reiz

    @malkusch That's true. The difference between your project on GitHub and this project project here: is that the last one is deployed on a Maven Repository Server, like Maven Central. For everything what is on a Maven Repository we can resolve parent poms and even transitive dependencies via the maven-core or Aether project. GitHub doesn't has a Maven API, that's the difference. I'm not saying that it is impossible to resolve the parent pom via the GitHub API, just saying that it is not done yet. It's one out of many points on our roadmap. Until that feature is not implemented for the GitHub API I have to refer you to the VersionEye Maven Plugin.

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