Composer packages from wpackagist not recognized

Issue #60 resolved
Mark Challoner created an issue

Wpackagist ( mirrors WordPress plugins and themes in a composer repository. VersionEye shows these packages as unknown.

Comments (8)

  1. Robert Reiz

    @markchalloner That is awesome! VersionEye is currently not crawling that repository. That's the reason. Do you know if they have some kind of API or Satis? Really would like to integrate that into VersionEye.

  2. Mark Challoner reporter

    Thanks @reiz, you guys are on it! Yep wpackagist saves a lot of manual curation of plugins.

    Your reply prompted another issue: #69

  3. Mathias Brodala

    What's the status here? The same affects all other kinds of non-Packagist repositories like

  4. Robert Reiz

    @markchalloner @mbrodala Just finished the crawler for this. In a couple hours the initial crawl should be finished. I guess I can close this ticket tomorrow! :)

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