When invited to a collaboration with a new e-mail - no way to add that to an existing account

Issue #70 resolved
SaschaVogt created an issue

Got an invitation for collaboration on a second e-mail (not yet known to VersionEye) I can only sign up, but not add to an existing account. (Even though I was already logged in ;) I was shown the sign-up page).

In addition, after I added the second e-mail under Projects -> Shared with my I don't see the other project.

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Reiz

    If you are already signed up in the system you can be added by simply typing your name/username in the collaboration tab. In the Enterprise version you are added after that immediately and you can see the shared projects under "shared projects". Here is a more detailed blog post with some screen shots: http://blog.versioneye.com/2014/11/27/project-collaborators/ The process is similar to GitHub. But if it is confusing I'm very open for improvements :-) Best would be a face to face meeting where I can directly monitor your actions and take notes :)

  2. SaschaVogt reporter

    Idea: When clicking on the invitation sign up link I should be able to log into an existing account and add this email there, or if I'm already logged in, it should offer to add the new email to the logged in account.

  3. Robert Reiz

    I close this ticket because the collaboration feature was removed completely. Instead of that we have now organisations and teams.

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