UNKNOWN package prevent the ui to show the rest of the list

Issue #85 resolved
Thibault Carpentier created an issue

I just added a new private iOS repo. In this repo there are some custom cocoapod we have developed in house. This repo are marked with the status UNKNOWN. Even if we have outdated pods the project, these don't appear in the page. It seem to be cause by having an unknown package (I tried with an other project everything seem fine)

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 1.39.03 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 1.39.36 PM.png Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 1.39.12 PM.png

If you need any other information please ask. Cheers !

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @loadex. I think it's OK. When you click on a Podfile to monitor it VersionEye will fetch that file and process it. In the background VersionEye tries to fetch the corresponding Podfile.lock. If available the Podfile.lock gets parsed as well and merged into the Podfile project, so that you have both files in the same view. The whole process is asynchron and can take a couple seconds. Here is your project:


    Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 18.23.56.png

    It looks good to me. Do you still think there is a bug? If yes, please re open this ticket and we will continue.

  2. Thibault Carpentier reporter

    @reiz Thanks for your explanations ! The link you provided me works fine. However, the link I find in the my project section still render the same page i provided in my screenshots. Is that normal ? Why are some pod not appearing whitout the podfile.lock ? Also it seem to still be some pods missing on the list. I don't think there is the 48 pods presented here ?

  3. Robert Reiz

    @loadex Your VersionEye project contains 2 files. The Podfile and the Podfile.lock. The numbers in the head are the summed up numbers from all files. Over both files you have 48 unique dependencies and 19 of them are out-dated. In the Version tab below you can switch between the Podfile view and the Podfile.lock view. By default the first file (Podfile) is selected, which doesn't has any out-dated dependency. By clicking on the Podfile.lock view you can switch to the Podfile.lock view, where you will see the 19 out-dated dependencies. Here is screenshot where I marked the 2 files you can select.

    Screen Shot 2015-06-05 at 12.24.19.png

    Sorry if it is not obvious. I'm open for UI/UX improvements ;-)

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