Maven multimodules handling

Issue #92 resolved
Rafał Wrzeszcz created an issue

Multimodule Maven projects are not handled by VersionEye - here is an example: (relates to both dependency versions and licenses)

When submodule depends on other submodule of same project it's marked as unknown. VersionEye should resolve versions, licenses and gorupIds of submodules to not report inter-modules dependencies.

Comments (1)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @rafalwrzeszcz. For multi module projects we have the VersionEye Maven Plugin. Currently we don't resolve transitiv file dependencies via the GitHub API. That might come in future. But the VersionEye Maven Plugin works perfectly on any CI System ;-) Simply add this to your parent pom:


    run this to create a new project on VersionEye:

    mvn versioneye:create

    And this on each build on your CI System to update the VersionEye project with your current dependencies

    mvn versioneye:update

    There are a lot of configuration options and a short tutorial video on YouTube.

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