axis2 seems to show wrong current version

Issue #97 resolved
Tobias Wilken created an issue

It seems that for axis2 ( the current version is shown as 1.25, while the axis2 repositories ( show 1.6.3 as the latest version.

Comments (3)

  1. Robert Reiz

    Hi @tooangel. Here is the current version at VersionEye. VersionEye is crawling the maven index from maven central. Unfortunately the index doesn't get updated every day. Usually they update the index once a week on Monday. That's why it can be that VersionEye is a little bit behind. That is only the case for Java. For all other languages we have daily up-to-date information.

  2. Tobias Wilken reporter

    For axis2-kernel it seems to be fixed now. I have the same issue with

    The point here is not that versioneye's updates are too late. It seems that versioneye has a version 1.25 which I can't find in maven central and it is newer than the current (1.6.3) version.

  3. Robert Reiz

    @tooangel I see the point. I just removed the wrong versions and it's fixed now. I saw that the 1.25 versions have been detected on Mar 01, 2012. At that time the Java crawlers have been very primitiv and we crawled many maven repositories which doesn't exist today anymore. It can be that these version have been detected on one of the repositories which doesn't exist anymore. If you find more false positives please open a ticket so that I can remove them.

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